It’s been awhile since my last post, so here’s an update on one major thing I’ve been working on lately. My company TheoTech, built, a product that provides AI-assisted real time captions and translations of live events. You plug in… Continue Reading →
We were gone for only two hours. My sister and I came home from lunch when I noticed my laptop was missing. “I think we’ve been robbed.” My sister thought I was joking until she noticed her laptop was missing… Continue Reading →
About a hundred people gathered for the first ever Code for the Kingdom @ Microsoft this past weekend. We prayed, worshiped, hacked (kids did too!), pitched and celebrated–it was an amazing time. Here are some pictures, videos and tweets from the event. You can read… Continue Reading →
Have you read the entire Bible? Do you think God wants you to? Do you feel bad for not doing it? Are you tired of people (or yourself) telling you you should? Do you “play it safe” by sticking to comfortable… Continue Reading →
After 36 hours of hacking, 12 teams of technologists, entrepreneurs and designers presented their solutions to 7 challenges at Code for the Kingdom Seattle. The excitement was palpable as people demoed what they built together and recounted how God energized them for… Continue Reading →
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