What does it mean to work for God? What can we expect and how do we know what to do? In this sermon from Matthew 9:27-38 I share about Jesus’ unexpected motivation, vision and instructions for those who are to… Continue Reading →
When Stephen was martyred, he ended his speech saying, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your ancestors did, so do you!” In light of the juxtaposition of Pentecost with Covid-19 and… Continue Reading →
Let us pray together. Lord Jesus, we rejoice in you, we delight in you, we worship you today and we thank you Lord. Joined by our brothers and sisters throughout the world and through time you are making us one… Continue Reading →
Think about the last time you wanted guidance. Maybe you wish your boss was clearer about their expectations. Or maybe you wanted help repairing a broken relationship. Or maybe you felt stuck or lost in some part of life, unsure… Continue Reading →
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