For the recent Global Code for the Kingdom Hackathon, I had the privilege of sharing “Why Code for the Kingdom?” This is a video and manuscript of the talk. Brothers and sisters, welcome to Code for the Kingdom! My name… Continue Reading →
About a hundred people gathered for the first ever Code for the Kingdom @ Microsoft this past weekend. We prayed, worshiped, hacked (kids did too!), pitched and celebrated–it was an amazing time. Here are some pictures, videos and tweets from the event. You can read… Continue Reading →
Have you read the entire Bible? Do you think God wants you to? Do you feel bad for not doing it? Are you tired of people (or yourself) telling you you should? Do you “play it safe” by sticking to comfortable… Continue Reading →
I recently had the privilege of sitting on a panel discussion about faith, technology, entrepreneurship and Sabbath rest for a class of students from Gordon Conwell Seminary co-taught by my friend Al Erisman. It was a great mix of students ranging from… Continue Reading →
What is it like to live at the intersection of faith, technology and entrepreneurship? What makes taking risks for the Kingdom of God worthwhile even in the face of failure? Find out in this talk. (Given as part of the… Continue Reading →
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