Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

Tag leadership

Integrating Identity

One of the things uncovered through working with my personal coach was the realization that despite 7 years of being a business owner, I still did not identify as one! In response, I wrote a letter to myself affirming this… Continue Reading →

Leadership mistake: Worrying about the wrong things

Leadership often begins with vision, a description of where you’re leading people. It takes courage to cast vision because: what if you’re wrong? Irresponsible leaders couldn’t care less. They’ll say whatever it takes to get what they want in the… Continue Reading →

How to build enduring habits

Think about the last time you felt seriously unproductive. Not the casual “I feel like going to the beach and taking a day off”, but the “I don’t want to get out of bed and reply to dreaded e-mails” kind of unproductive…. Continue Reading →

Succeeding as a Christian at Amazon and in the Marketplace

Are marketplace values compatible with God’s Kingdom? Does succeeding according to corporate values and principles help us grow into the likeness of Christ? Does following Jesus faithfully enable us to succeed in the corporate world? In this talk (audio below),… Continue Reading →

Jeff Bezos’ Biggest Fear and Other Thoughts on the NYT’s Amazon Expose

Several people asked for my thoughts on the recent New York Times’ expose of Amazon Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace as well as Jeff Bezos’ response: Jeff Bezos has responded to a report slamming Amazon’s working conditions. Some brief background… Continue Reading →

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