Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

Tag faith

Marathon Faith

Marathon faith takes blood, sweat and tears, But those who give up cannot master their fears. For the twisting and turning, the bruising and burning Sensations all mean that your training Is gaining the traction you need To make it,… Continue Reading →

Faith and the Tech Sector

How can we support, activate and unleash technologists to use their gifts to advance God’s Kingdom? In this talk I share the massive opportunity for the Church (especially in the Pacific Northwest)–so massive it would be irresponsible not to pursue–as well… Continue Reading →

3 Learnings from Life After a Break-in

We were gone for only two hours. My sister and I came home from lunch when I noticed my laptop was missing. “I think we’ve been robbed.” My sister thought I was joking until she noticed her laptop was missing… Continue Reading →

Succeeding as a Christian at Amazon and in the Marketplace

Are marketplace values compatible with God’s Kingdom? Does succeeding according to corporate values and principles help us grow into the likeness of Christ? Does following Jesus faithfully enable us to succeed in the corporate world? In this talk (audio below),… Continue Reading →

When God provides…

Speechless surprise, Making me wise, Seeing its true, God always comes through. He wants what He wants, But in my despair I doubted, I feared That He wouldn’t be there. Pouring out effort To so little comfort. Was I doing things… Continue Reading →

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