Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

Category Ideas

Diversify your Dopamine Portfolio

Diversifying your dopamine portfolio results in greater emotional resilience.

Thoughts on the Bezoses’ Divorce

I was sad to read that Jeff & MacKenzie Bezos are divorcing after 25 years of marriage. After commenting on Amazon Leadership Principles, Jeff Bezos’ biggest fear and also comparing Bezos’ wisdom with the Bible, it was disheartening to see… Continue Reading →

Leadership mistake: Worrying about the wrong things

Leadership often begins with vision, a description of where you’re leading people. It takes courage to cast vision because: what if you’re wrong? Irresponsible leaders couldn’t care less. They’ll say whatever it takes to get what they want in the… Continue Reading →

Untangling 10 Life Assumptions

My twenties have been a season of un-learning assumptions about life. Here are ten I’m untangling: 1. emotions and truth. It’s tempting to believe something is true because of how deeply we feel about it or that it is false… Continue Reading →

How to build enduring habits

Think about the last time you felt seriously unproductive. Not the casual “I feel like going to the beach and taking a day off”, butĀ theĀ “I don’t want to get out of bed and reply to dreaded e-mails” kind of unproductive…. Continue Reading →

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