Merit & Grace

Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

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A forum to discuss the future of the Church

I used to join forums when I was in middle school (even helped my friend build one in ASP.NET hah!), but they fell out of favor as Facebook and social media took over. Of course, Facebook isn’t great for having deep… Continue Reading →

A Pandemic Pentecost: How are we resisting the Spirit?

When Stephen was martyred, he ended his speech saying, “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your ancestors did, so do you!” In light of the juxtaposition of Pentecost with Covid-19 and… Continue Reading →

Easter 2020 Prayer

Let us pray together. Lord Jesus, we rejoice in you, we delight in you, we worship you today and we thank you Lord. Joined by our brothers and sisters throughout the world and through time you are making us one… Continue Reading →

Virtual Church Bootcamp

Hi Friends, Due to coronavirus, our team at TheoTech has gotten a lot of requests for help from pastors who suddenly need to take their church virtual. We just hosted a free webinar called Virtual Church 101 that you can… Continue Reading →

Visiting an ICE Detention Center

A stunning rainbow lights up the brooding sky above the Northwest Detention Center. It’s been more than a year since my friend was free. I want to see him before Christmas. I walk past a barbed wire fence to the… Continue Reading →

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