Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

Category Reviews

App Review: Accordance Bible Software

At TheoTech, we have three Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) that exemplify the need for technology entrepreneurship for the Gospel: Personal prayer for everyone on earth Thriving, Ubiquitous Multilingual Churches Worldwide Biblical Literacy Each goal stems from a Biblical mandate with a contemporary flair rooted… Continue Reading →

Books I finished while on vacation

One of the things I love most about vacations is getting plenty of time to read. Here are some of the books I recently finished along with a brief takeaway from each (I know these comments won’t do the books… Continue Reading →

Dogovan’s War

Check out this book my friend Will Mari recently published on Kindle!!! Dogovan's War: Dueling the von Tamms If you're an Amazon Prime member and Kindle owner, you can checkout the book for free! Otherwise, if you buy it through that link, I get a small cut for things like Halloween candy, and...
  • You're helping launch the career of an awesome budding author
  • You're helping a generous grad student feed cookies to a community of aspiring authors (the Notion Club) every Friday night
  • You're increasing the likelihood that other Amazon customers will enjoy his action-packed, WWII thriller.
  • You're getting a fun book to brighten a gloomy autumn weekend (or if you're in a place like Hawaii, to enjoy on the warm beach)
And if you're feeling generous or really enjoyed the book, don't forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Pinstagram, PinnedIn, Twitbook, ... you get the idea (I think you can use the buttons at the bottom of this post to do it :-)) Thanks!

Check out this book my friend Will Mari recently published on Kindle!!! Dogovan’s War: Dueling the von Tamms If you’re an Amazon Prime member and Kindle owner, you can checkout the book for free! Otherwise, if you buy it through… Continue Reading →

My top 5 iPad apps (so far)

It’s been about three weeks since I purchased my iPad and I thought it would be fitting to write up a list of my favorite apps so far. I chose to write about apps that don’t come with a new… Continue Reading →

Apple iPad: Revolutionary Product or Oversized iPod Touch?

The January 27th announcement of the Apple iPad has set off a firestorm of opinions, reviews and comments fueling a discussion over whether the device is a revolutionary product or merely an oversized iPod Touch. While many technology bloggers and… Continue Reading →

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