Thoughts on human effort and the work of God

Category Poetry

“Hello World”

A silent ode
To the beginning
When all was
void, null, undefined

Marathon Faith

Marathon faith takes blood, sweat and tears, But those who give up cannot master their fears. For the twisting and turning, the bruising and burning Sensations all mean that your training Is gaining the traction you need To make it,… Continue Reading →

“Kryptonite or Sunshine” and 2 other V-day poems

Ah Valentine’s Day, the one day in the year when all the silly, sappy and serious poetry of the past is socially acceptable to share. Here are three poems for your pleasure (read lyrically aloud for maximum effect). Kryptonite or Sunshine Girls… Continue Reading →

When God provides…

Speechless surprise, Making me wise, Seeing its true, God always comes through. He wants what He wants, But in my despair I doubted, I feared That He wouldn’t be there. Pouring out effort To so little comfort. Was I doing things… Continue Reading →

Many say they’ll risk it all

Many say they’ll risk it all, And lose their life to do your call; Leave behind their friends and dreams To seek your Kingdom’s living streams To be with you and sing your praise To hear your voice and feel… Continue Reading →

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